Bur Oaks - Y4

Welcome to Y4 Bur Oaks
The Bur Oaks are curious, hard-working and enthusiastic learners. We are looking forward to seeing where our learning takes us this year.
Mr J Wilson

Class Teacher


Our teacher is Mr Wilson and we are supported by our teaching assistant Mrs Jacquemond.
What Are We Learning?
Below you can find an overview of our learning for the whole year and also more detail for each term and the sequence which we will follow to help build our knowledge in each subject.
We use our Knowledge Organisers to help us identify key information, that we need to know and remember.
Autumn Term 1 Learning
In the first half of the Autumn term most of our learning is driven by science and the theme - Food, teeth and digestion. Amongst other things we will be tasting and then making our own sandwiches, having a visit by a local dentist and even make poo to model digestion!
Autumn Term 2 Learning
In the second half of the Autumn term our main curriculum driver is history and we will be exploring the question 'How did the Romans impact Britain?'. By dressing up as Romans in our whole school history day we will develop a growing understanding of chronology and where the Romans fit into British history.
Spring Term 1 Learning
In this term our learning is driven by geography and a focus on rivers. This includes developing fieldwork skills and a visit to Truro to explore the journey of the rivers in our nearest city.  
Spring Term 2 Learning
This term our curriculum is driven by science and the theme of 'electricity and sound'. There are plenty of opportunities for the children to develop their scientific enquiry skills, as well as applying their learning to make a circuit to use in their own night light. 
Summer Term 1 Learning
This term our curriculum is driven by geography as we learn about mountains in year 4. We will be learning about how mountains are formed and locating the 3 peaks and 7 summits on maps. We will also be exploring the wildlife in our local environment in science to group and classify living things.
Summer Term 2 Learning
This term we will be focusing our learning on History and considering how the Ancient Greeks influenced the world today. We will even take a class trip to the Royal Cornwall museum to take part in a Greek pottery workshop linked to our art learning about 3D clay techniques. 


Reading - Children should read at home for at least 20 minutes daily (building up to 30 minutes towards the end of the year) as part of their homework. Children on AR will be able to quiz and change their books at least 3 times per week.

Spelling -  Spellings will be set on a Monday and quizzed the following Friday. Please access Spelling Shed for your child's weekly spellings.

Number fluency - Numbots and TTRockstars are our maths fluency home learning and we ask that children log in at home and play for 10 minutes at least twice a week. Teachers will monitor each child's time played, current level and correct answers. Certificates will be printed weekly for achievements in these maths games.

Wider curriculum - each half term there are also a choice of additional home learning opportunities for children to engage with, as outlined in our 'Leap into Learning' document. 

This term we will have PE on a Wednesday & Friday. On both of these days, please come to school wearing your school PE kit with a school jumper.