The national curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils:
•become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics
•reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecture relationships and generalisations, and develop an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
•can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non routine problems.
At Chacewater, our maths curriculum has been developed to ensure that every child has a sound understanding of the intricacies of mathematics. We aim for them to leave our school equipped with required maths skills to thrive in later life.
By lacing calculation, reasoning and problem solving in to series of lessons, we ensure that secure links are made and that prior knowledge is being tested and challenged throughout.
Our aspiration is for every child to see themselves as a mathematician - demonstrating a confident attitude towards tackling problems both in and out of the classroom and understanding the importance of maths in the wider world.
At Chacewater we follow a mastery led model for the teaching of mathematics. Sequences of learning are built in small sequential steps within our pedagogical approach of ‘Teach, Challenge, Learn, Understand’. This ‘Maths @ Chacewater’ document intends to make clear what each of these stage could look like and how these should be closely related and linked to the five big ideas of fluency, variation, representation & structure, mathematical thinking and coherence.
Maths is taught daily in the school in all classes, with our sequence of learning being pulled from White Rose maths, which gives a consistent and coherence across the school. However, our expectation is that this is not used as a scheme and only used to help aid the planning process by teachers. Blocks of learning are taught using a linear approach, allowing children to ‘linger longer’ on core concepts and to develop a depth of understanding within their year group’s objectives. A wide range of trusted resources are used to support learning including, Kangaroo Maths, NCETM spine and ready to progress materials, I See Reasoning, I See Problem Solving, Time table Rockstars, Numbots and Testbase.
Carefully planned variation builds fluency and understanding of underlying mathematical concepts. Time outside of the maths lesson is dedicated to the revisiting and retrieval of key declarative knowledge and rapid, fluid interventions are put in place to support those children that need it. Each year group focuses on Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) that should be known by the end of each half term - there is a daily focus on these.
Planning utilises the idea of small step progression and these are shared with the children so that they can understand the mathematical journey and how it builds. ‘S’ planning is utilised to help teachers think about the learning progression for their own class over a week or two week block and learning slides further support this. Ongoing assessment is crucial and is used to adjust and inform planned next steps.
Both concrete resources (manipulatives) and pictorial representations are routinely used to support all children, including children with SEND. These are also referenced in our calculation guidance. |
Teachers will continuously formatively assess children’s understanding and use this to adjust and inform the next steps in the teaching sequence. This is supported by utilising a range of reasoning and problem-solving activities i.e. Test Base to check children’s ability to use and apply the mathematics taught.
There is a regular cycle of assessment in place, which includes termly NFER tests in key stage 2 and termly teacher assessment across the school.
Wider impact is measured through a triangulated approach. Exploring attitude and confidence with mathematics through pupil conferencing in conjunction with exploring evidence in books. The journey of the mathematics the children are learning should be clear and the children should be able to confidently articulate this.