Autumn Term 1 Learning
In the first half of the Autumn term most of our learning is driven by science and the theme, ‘Have a Heart’ - the circulatory system. During this half term, we lead the school in a fundraising event for the British Heart Foundation.
Autumn Term 2 Learning
In the second half of the Autumn term most of our learning is driven by history and the theme, ‘Vicious Vikings – Fact or Fiction? We begin this unit dressed as a Viking and visit the Maritime Museum in Falmouth to take part in a Viking workshop.
Spring Term 1 and 2 Learning
This term our learning is driven by Geography and Science and the theme, ‘Voyage of Discovery’. We learn about Darwin’s journey to the Galapagos Islands and his scientific discoveries.
Spring 1 Sequencing
Spring 1 Leap into Learning
Spring 1 Knowledge Organiser - Would you like to live in the desert?
Spring 2 Sequencing
Spring 2 Leap into Learning
Spring 2 Knowledge Organiser - Living things and their habitats
Summer Term 1
In the first half of the Summer term most of our learning is driven by Geography and the theme, ‘A Tale of Two Cities.’ We study Paris and London and undertake fieldwork in Truro to compare these cities.
Summer 1 Sequencing
Summer 1 Leap into Learning
Summer 1 Knowledge Organiser - Why would you visit the Mediterranean?
Summer Term 2
In the second half of the Summer term most of our learning is driven by History and the theme, Chacewater - A Story of a Cornish Mining Village – the impact of the industrial revolution. We will visit Wheal Busy and investigate how the invention of steam engines revolutionised the mining industry.
Summer 2 Sequencing
Summer 2 Leap into Learning
Summer 2 Knowledge Organiser - What was the impact of mining on the village of Chacewater?
Summer 2 Knowledge Organiser - Electricity & Light
Reading - Children should read at home for at least 25 minutes daily (building up to 30 minutes towards the end of the year) as part of their homework. Children on AR will be able to quiz and change their books at least 3 times per week.
Spelling - Spellings will be set on a Friday and quizzed the following Friday (please access Spelling Shed for your child's weekly spellings). Spelling Shed is part of our home learning and we ask that children log in at home and play for 10 minutes at least three or four times a week
Number fluency - Numbots and TTRockstars are part of our home learning and we ask that children log in at home and play for 10 minutes at least three or four times a week.
Wider curriculum - each half term there are also a choice of additional home learning opportunities for children to engage with, as outlined in our 'Leap into Learning' document.
Weekly Maths/SPAG - Homework will be given out on a Monday, to then be handed in the following Monday.