Acorns - EYFS

Welcome to Reception - Acorns 

We are the Acorns class. Watch us grow into life long learners over the course of our year in the Reception class.
This year your child will be taught by Mrs Morgan on Monday - Tuesday and Mr Lawrence will teach Wednesday-Friday. We will be supported by Miss White and Mrs Booker. 
What Are We Learning?
Below you can find an overview of our learning for the whole year and also more detail for each term and the sequence which we will follow to help build our knowledge in each subject.
Autumn Term 1 Learning
In the first half of the Autumn Term we will be learning about ourselves and our place in the community. This leads into our learning 'All About Me'.
Autumn Term 2 Learning.
This term we will be looking at Festivals and Celebrations. Our driver will be History (Understanding the World). We will be learning about Bonfire Night and Christmas and looking closely at why we celebrate these. We will also be performing our first ever Nativity!
Spring Term 1 Learning
In the first half of the Spring Term our Curriculum theme is 'Superheroes' we will learn about those in our communities' who help us. 
Spring Term 2 Learning
In the second half of the Spring Term we will be learning all about  importance of taking care of living things and do this by witnessing and observing the lifecycle of animals in our classroom – tadpoles and caterpillars. We will focus on 'Understanding the World'. 
Summer Term 1 Learning
This half term we will explore even more outside with our theme 'Come Outside', where we will plants seeds and care for growing plants. We will  understand the need to respect and care for the natural environment and all living things. 


Summer Term 2 Learning 
This half term our theme is' At the Beach'. We will explore and learn about where we are in the world. We will also look into materials, what sinks, floats and test our ideas out. We will visit the seaside and explore the beach. 
Reading in EYFS

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, we deliver phonics from soon as the children start school, immersing children with sound exposition from the start of their experience in school. During this period, we assess the children using our baseline assessments and teach the initial set 1 sounds following the Read Write Inc programme.


The teacher delivers a speed sound lesson to the whole class which includes the ‘sound of the day’’, rhyme and handwriting process and objects that also begin with the sound of the day. We also link early reading, oral blending and CVC recognition into these sessions as well.


How do we match the pupil’s reading books to their phonic ability?

Through the Read Write Inc programme, children are given books that match the sounds that they have been taught. Children are then able to read with confidence and practice sounds at home. 

  • Pupils are assessed daily in phonics as well as half termly using the RWI assessments. Assessment then informs which books match to the pupil’s phonic ability.
  • Staff in EYFS are responsible for changing and or checking the pupil’s reading books. 
  • Pupils who are learning phonics in EYFS take home three books: a book bag book, a read write story book and a book for pleasure.


How do we promote a love of reading?


Reading underpins our schools’ approach to learning and therefore as well as this, phonics and reading is essential to all areas of the curriculum. Continuous provision activities are set up with reading at the heart of what we teach. As well as this, hook books underpin the children’s learning and are used to encourage discussion and promote each topic which is taught across the EYFS year. Children are given enriching opportunities to delve into story telling and sequencing using story stages, story spoons and tough trays that link to the book of the week. We also visit the Library weekly to create a essence of reading for pleasure.


Useful links for home learning.
Useful information:
We will be having PE on Mondays so please send your child to school in their PE kit. 
We will also have outdoor adventure on a Friday so please make sure your child has their outdoor adventure clothing in school.