Safeguarding Children Statement
Safeguarding Pupils Statement
The registered person complies with local child protection procedures approved by the Local Safeguarding Children’s Boards and ensure that all adults working and looking after children in the provision are able to put the procedures into practice.
At Chacewater School we intend to create an environment in which children are safe from abuse and in which suspicion of abuse is promptly and appropriately responded to.
In order to achieve this we will:
Exclude known abusers
It will be made clear to applicants for posts within the school that the position is exempt from the provisions of the Rehabilitations of Offenders Act 1974.
All applications for work within the school, whether voluntary or paid, will be interviewed before an appointment is made and will be asked to provide at least two references. All such references will be followed up.
In the case of applicants with unexplained gaps in their employment history, or who have moved rapidly from one job to another, explanations will be sought.
All appointments, both paid and voluntary, will be subject to a probationary period and will not be confirmed unless they have a police CRB check.
Seek and supply training
We will seek out training opportunities for all adults involved in the group to ensure that they recognise the symptoms of possible physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect and sexual abuse.
Prevent abuse by means of good practice
Adults will not be left alone for long periods of time with individual children or small groups.
Adults who are waiting for CRB confirmation will not be left alone with any children.
Children will be encouraged to develop a sense of autonomy and independence through adult support in making choices and in finding names for their feelings and acceptable ways to express them. This will enable children to have self-confidence and the vocabulary to resist inappropriate approaches.
Respond appropriately to suspicions of abuse
Chacewater School enables staff to quickly respond to any changes in a child’s behaviour or appearance. Changes in children’s appearance/behaviour will be investigated. Concerns will be shared with the teacher who will share the information with the Headteacher. The child’s welfare is paramount. Chacewater School staff understand they have a duty to report any concerns they may have about a child. Some suspicions will be referred to Social Care if appropriate.
All such suspicions and investigations will be kept confidential. The most commonly involved will be the teacher. We refer to the document ‘What to do if you are worried a child is being abused’ issued by the Department of Health, and the document ‘Child Protection Procedures’ issued by LSCB.
If any volunteer or member of staff is accused of any form of child abuse, she/he will be interviewed immediately by the person in charge of the group. When the allegation is made, the volunteer or member of staff will be suspended immediately on full pay while an investigation is made.
Investigations will be in line with the area child protection committee.
Confidential records will be kept of the allegations and of all subsequent proceedings.
Keep Records
When worrying changes occur, a confidential record will be set up. The record will include: name, address, age, time and dated factual observations, together with the dated time and signature of the observer.
Such records will be kept in a separate file and will not be accessible to anyone in the School other than the Designated Safeguarding Lead, chair and key worker or any other member of staff as appropriate.
Liaise with other bodies
Chacewater School operates in accordance with local authority guidelines.
Confidential records will be shared with Social Care if appropriate.
Records will also be kept of the local NSPCC contact.
Support Families
Chacewater School staff will take every step to build up trusting relationships between families and the School.
Where abuse at home is suspected, the School will continue to welcome the child and family while investigations proceed.
Confidential records will be shared with a child’s parents.
Useful Numbers:
Local Police – 08452 777444
Social Care – 0300 123 1116
Police Family Protection 01209 613083
NSPCC – 01736755828