Pupil Premium is the additional money we receive from the government to support our children who are eligible for free school meals. In this section, you will find how we have spent this money over the past few years and the impact it as had on our children. You will also find the plan we have in place for the current academic year.
When creating our PP Strategy we recognise the importance of considering the context of the school and the subsequent challenges made. We will use research such as that conducted by EEF and also recommendations from other partners e.g. English and maths hubs to support decisions around the strategies chosen.
Common barriers to learning for disadvantaged children can be less support at home, weak language and communication skills, lack of confidence, more frequent behaviour/relational difficulties and attendance and punctuality issues. There may also be complex family situations that prevent children from flourishing. The challenges can be and are varied and there is no “one size fits all”. As recognised by the EFF we acknowledge that ‘good teaching is the most important lever schools have to improve outcomes for disadvantaged students’ and we intend to focus heavily on developing the quality of teaching through focused CPD of teachers.
Historically the school has seen an attainment gap at the end of KS2 between children eligible for pupil premium and those who are not. We therefore have several key objectives:
● Ensure that we are identifying all children who are eligible for PP funding.
● Narrow attainment gaps between PP and non PP pupils.
● Ensure that progress for PP pupils is at least in line with non PP pupils.
● To support our children’s health and wellbeing to enable them to best access learning and the wider school offer.
We aim to do this by focusing first and foremost on quality first teaching and support to ensure that we are meeting the needs of our children, this includes:
● a focus on the development of early reading and early number. Believing that these early skills are crucial in securing success in our children’s journey through school.
● promoting an ethos of attainment for all and celebrating all successes.
● giving identified children access to high quality support and interventions which are tracked and reviewed to check that they are having the desired impact.
● Training for teachers and TAs both internally and through external partners.
Alongside this approach we will look to support health and wellbeing by enhancing our offer of extra curricular activity as we emerge from the COVID crisis and will ensure that PP pupils/families are able to and supported in accessing this