Welcome to Year 2
In the Buds class, we are enthusiastic learners and we believe that team work is vital. Our classroom is a positive environment, we feel comfortable about sharing our thoughts, taking risks, asking questions and confronting challenges in our learning.
This year Miss O'Callaghan is the Year 2 teacher and is supported by Mrs Pippin and Mrs Davis.
We are all so excited to have you in Year 2 and can't wait to learn with you this year.
What Are We Learning?
Below you can find an overview of our learning for the whole year and also more detail for each term and the sequence which we will follow to help build our knowledge in each subject.
We use our Knowledge Organisers to help us identify key information that we need to know and remember.
Autumn Term 1 Learning
In the first half of the Autumn term most of our learning is driven by science and the theme, ‘What do I need to be me?'. During this half term, we will be learning to understand that all animals produce young called offspring and recognise how animals change as they grow.
Autumn Term 2 Learning
In the second half of the Autumn term most of our learning is driven by history and the theme, ‘Flying High'. We begin this unit learning all about the first flight invention by the 'Wright Brothers' and we end the unit with our DT project, moving vehicles.
Spring Term 1 Learning
In Spring 1, our learning is driven by Geography around the theme, ‘Wild Cornwall’. We learn about the seaside, what physical and human features you may see at the seaside and how the seaside towns have changed throughout time.
Spring Term 2 Learning
In the second half of Spring term, most of our learning is driven by science and the theme, 'Sowing and Growing' where we will be observing and describing how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants. We will be visiting our local community garden and grow our very own daffodils and broad beans.
Summer Term 1 Learning
In the first part of our Summer term, our learning is driven by Geography, where we will be learning about the continent of Africa. Through our learning, we will be finding out what life is like in Mugurameno, a small village in Zambia and make comparisons to Chacewater.
Summer Term 2 Learning
This half term our learning is driven by 'History' where we will be learning all about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole and how they brought about change in nursing. Our reading has a focus linked to superheroes where we will be reading about Traction Man and the events of 'Flat Stanley'. We will be celebrating our learning with a superhero day.
PE will be on Thursday and Friday this half term. Please make sure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit on these days.
Reading - Children should read at home for at least 20 minutes daily (building up to 30 minutes towards the end of the year) as part of their homework. Children working within RWINC groups will have three books per week. One book will be the book bag book, library book and then the book they have been reading in their group.
Children in the Accelerated Reader and Shared Reading group will have an accelerated reader book and a library book. If your child finishes their book before these days, they can re-read for fluency.
Spelling - Spellings will be set on a Monday and tested the following Monday using Spelling Shed at school.
Numbots - Numbots is also part of our home learning and we ask that children log in at home and play for 10 minutes at least once or twice a week. Teachers will monitor each child's time played, current level and correct answers. Certificates will be printed and a ‘diamond level’ badge presented. Your child has their own log in.
Leap into Learning - Each half term there are also a choice of additional home learning opportunities for children to engage with as outlined in our 'Leap into Learning' document.